
Developer Guide

Table of contents


DG Adapted from


Architecture Diagram


The Architecture Diagram above explains the high-level design of the program.

Main components of the architecture

Main is the StockMaster class, and controls the operation and closing of the app.

The program consists of several components:


The Command class is an abstract class which is extended to execute the various commands used in the product. It contains the abstract method execute, which is overridden by all other Command child classes.


Item class is an object which represents an item in the stock inventory list. Stores data about the item such as item price, quantity of item, and others.


Itemlist class is an object which contains items to be added to the stock inventory list. Able to add items, remove functions, edit items inside the list.

To list items in the Itemlist to the user, the ListCommand class is used.

Sequence Diagram of ListCommand when used to list items.


  1. An instance of ListCommand is created with parameters specifying what category to list, or whether to only list marked items, as well as an Itemlist class.
  2. The execute() method is then called, checking for modifiers such as category or isListMarked.
  3. Depending on the modifiers, different things will happen.
    • If there are no modifiers, ListCommand will display all items in the list by calling TextUi.ShowList().
  4. If there are modifiers present, ShowCustomizedItemList() will be called.
    • If there is a category present, ListCommand will get the category of every item in the Itemlist with item.getCategory().
    • If isListMarked is true, ListCommand will get the mark status of evey item in the Itemlist with item.getMarkStatus().
    • Afterwards, TextUi.replyToUser() will be called, displaying the relevant items.

The AddCommand class extends the Command class, allowing users to add items to the Itemlist


The EditCommand class extends the command class. The EditCommand is responsible for editing attributes of an item in the Itemlist. This includes changing the item’s name, quantity, unit of measurement, category, buy price, and sell price. The command modifies the relevant item if it exists and updates the system accordingly.

Class Diagram of EditCommand and with partial Class Diagrams of item and Itemlist


Sequence Diagram of EditCommand


  1. When an instance of EditCommand is created, the parameters indicating the item to be edited and the new values for these parameters are also specified.
    • Afterwards, the execute() method will be called, which first interacts with Itemlist class by calling Itemlist.getItems() to retrieve the list of all items.
    • If the item is found, it retreives the index of the item. If not, a messasge indicating that item is not found will be displayed using TextUi.replyToUser().
  2. If an item is found, the Itemlist.getItem(index) method is used to retrieve the item object. For each attribute that needs modification, the corresponding setter method on the item objet is called, such as setItemName(), setQuantity(), etc.
  3. Once all changes have been made, TextUi.replyToUser() is called to display to the user that the editing process had concluded.
  4. Finally, Storage.overwriteFile(Itemlist.getItems()) is called to write changes to the local save file.


Parser class processes user inputs and sieves out relevant details before calling the relevant methods.

Class Diagram of Parser


  1. Parser takes in the user input, and parses out the command word.
  2. According to the command word detected, it will check that the input matches the required command format, throwing command format exceptions if it does not match.
  3. It then checks if the inputs for the various parameters (i.e qty/, buy/, etc) are of the correct type and appropriate value, throwing other exceptions accordingly.
  4. It creates a new instance of the relevant command for it to execute() its code.


Storage Class diagram


Storage Sequence diagram



UI prints command output, and useful messages to the user.

Cashier features

Cashier class extends Itemlist class, and stores Transactions instead of Items. It has 4 main functions: addItem, getTransactions, getBestseller and getTotalProfit. The main function of this class is to track transactions, as well as provide some basic business analytics to the app.

It mainly uses 4 Command subclasses, namely the AddCommand, ListCommand, BestsellerCommand and TotalProfitCommand. Each Command subclass executes their respective function, and print the result through TextUi.

To improve the robustness of the program, the Transaction stores the Item sold as a String rather than an Item, to allow for users to edit or delete the Item without losing the history of which Item was sold in the past. This also allows for the analytics to work with Items that no longer exist.

Note: To simulate the reality of business accounting, the delete command for Transactions are omitted on purpose. In actual accounting software, transactions are not allowed to be deleted or edited to preserve its credibility.

Cashier Class Diagram


Above is the class diagram for the Cashier class, and its dependencies. The Command subclasses at the top fit their respective functions, and SellCommand maps to the addItem method.

Cashier Sequence Diagrams


BestsellerCommand: getBestseller ref from the overall sequence diagram above: BestsellerCommand

TotalProfitCommand: getTotalProfit and getTotalRevenue refs from the overall sequence diagram: TotalProfitCommand


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented

Promotion feature

The promotion mechanism is facilitated by StockMaster. It enables the user to design and create discount offers for his/her own business given a certain period and time. Additionally, it implements the following operations:

Given below is the overall sequence diagram for the PromotionCommand. The reference frames are shown when explaining the operations.

Promotion Sequence Diagram


The PromotionCommand will execute the appropriate command and prints messages to the user through the TextUi.

Add new promotion:

The add promotion command has 5 compulsory arguments ITEM_NAME, discount/, period /from, /to, time /from and to


promotion apple discount/50 period /from 1 Jan 2024 /to 31 Dec 2024 time from/ 0000 /to 2359

Add Promotion Class Diagram

Given below is the class diagram showing the class structure of the add promotion mechanism:

AddPromotion Class Diagram

Add Promotion Sequence Diagram

Given below is the sequence diagram showing the add promotion mechanism.

AddPromotion Sequence Diagram

This command will add a new promotion by calling addPromotion(promotion) method in The addPromotion(promotion) then calls isItemExist(apple) in to check if the item exists in the inventory.

Next, it subsequently calls multiple of its own methods.

  1. ItemIsOnPromo() checks if there is already an existing promotion for the item. If there is an existing promotion the user will be unable to create another promotion for the same item.
  2. isValidDiscount() checks if the discount input lies between the range of 0 to 100.
  3. isValidMonth() checks if the date entered is valid. E.g. 30 FEB 2024 does not exist.
  4. isValidTime() checks if the time is a valid range.
  5. isValidDuration() checks if the duration of the promotion is valid. E.g. A promotion that starts on 1 FEB 2024 and ends on 1 JAN 2024 is not valid.

The sequence diagram shows the successful creation of a promotion. However, if any of the boolean values do not follow as per the diagram, an error message will be shown to the user via the TextUi.

Then, add(promotion) method is called in to create the promotion.

A response will then be printed to the TextUi to inform the user on the successful creation of the promotion.

Delete promotion:

This command has one compulsory argument ITEM_NAME.


del_promo apple

Delete Promotion Sequence Diagram

Given below is the sequence diagram showing the delete promotion mechanism:


This command will initially check if there is such an item in Promotionlist. If it does not exist, it will print an error message. Otherwise, it will execute the deletion of the promotion.

To execute the deletion, getPromotion() and getIndex() methods are called to obtain the index of the item in the Promotionlist.

The promotion will be deleted by calling deletePromotion(index) method in and will inform the user on the successful deletion of the promotion via the TextUi.

List promotion:

This command lists all the promotion in Promotionlist.



List Promotion Sequence Diagram


All of the Promotions will be shown to the user through the TextUi.

Product scope

Target user profile

Small Business Owners who:

Value proposition

StockMaster helps small business owners organise and manage their business. The purpose of such application is to provide users with a range of tools and features to help them better operate their business. This will enable them to make more informed decisions to ensure that they are consistently having a profit. The application allows users to keep track of their inventory, promotions and transaction logs. It also lets the user see the earnings/loss of the business. Furthermore, it also allows users to see which item has generated the most profit in the business.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new user see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 user add new items update my inventory list
v1.0 user make changes to added items change details about items such as quantity, price
v1.0 user delete item remove items that are no longer required
v1.0 user search for specific item easily check how much quantity I have left for that item
v1.0 user list out my inventory view all items that I have
v2.0 store owner include new item information such as buying and selling price operate my business and sell to customers
v2.0 store owner search for items in a filtered list easily check the item information based on the filtered list
v2.0 store owner keep track of how much I spend generate my overall expenditure
v2.0 store owner keep track of how much I earn generate my overall revenue
v2.0 store owner get my overall profit know if my business is earning or losing money
v2.0 store owner sell items start earning money from my business
v2.0 store owner see reminders for items that are low on stock easily know which item I have to schedule for a restock
v2.0 store owner add promotions for a time period automatically change the sell price of the items during the promotion period
v2.0 store owner delete promotions remove promotions when it is over
v2.0 store owner list promotions view all promotions that I have created
v2.0 store owner mark items of different categories at my own discretion easily view the list of marked items when I want to
v2.0 store owner see what is my best selling item identify which item is most popular among customers

Non-Functional Requirements


Instructions for manual testing

Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on.

For the most optimal testing, please follow the instructions section by section to test all the features.

Launch and shutdown

  1. Initial launch
    1. Download the jar file and move it into an empty folder
    2. Open the terminal, change to the correct directory and run java -jar [CS2113-T15-4][StockMaster].jar. Expected outcome:
       StockMaster v2.0
       Data is being extracted from: ./StockMasterData.txt
       Welcome to StockMaster, where you can master the knowledge on your Stock!
       Out-of-stock Items:
       No items out of stock
       Low-on-stock Items: (less than 10)
       No items low on stock
       Enter Command:
  2. Closing the Application
    1. Type exit into the terminal.
    2. Expected outcome:
       Inventory is being saved to :./StockMasterData.txt
       Transactions are being saved to:./TransactionLogs.txt
       Promotions are being saved to: ./PromotionStorage.txt
       Thank you for using StockMaster, hope we have helped your lazy ass!

      At this point, you should be able to see the logs folder for logging, as well as StockMasterData.txt, TransactionLogs.txt and PromotionStorage.txt in the directory that the jar was in.

Adding test data

To test the rest of the features, there must be data to work on. By running several add commands, we can populate the Itemlist, in order to work on them. You can use the following command:

add testItem qty/10 /ea buy/1.00 sell/2.00

You should see the following output:

added: testItem (Qty: 10 ea Buy: $1.00 Sell: $2.00)

You can also use the following command to test optional arguments:

add testItem2 qty/10 /ea cat/testCat buy/1.00 sell/2.00

You should see the following output:

added: testItem (Qty: 10 ea Buy: $1.00 Sell: $2.00) to testCat

List Items

To test this feature, you can use the above 2 commands (in Adding Test Data) to populate the Itemlist first.

Make sure that there are no existing Storage files, or Item in the program to get the exact outputs below. You can clear the existing data by exiting the program (via exit) and deleting all the save files (StockMasterData.txt, TransactionLogs.txt, PromotionStorage.txt) in the folder.

After using the two lines above, you can test the following command: list_items


1. [ ] testitem (Qty: 10 ea, Buy: $1.00, Sell: $2.00)
2. [ ] testitem2 (Qty: 10 ea, Buy: $1.00, Sell: $2.00, Category: testCat)

Adding a new Transaction

To add a new transaction, the sell command is used: Input: sell testitem qty/5 Output:

Quantity of testitem sold: 5, for: $2.0
Quantity remaining: 5
Total value sold: 10.0

Adding a new promotion

Input: promotion testitem discount/50 period /from 15 APR 2024 /to 31 DEC 2024 time /from 0000 /to 2359 Output:

The following promotion has been added
testitem have a 50.00% discount
Period: 15 APR 2024 to 31 DEC 2024
Time: 0000 to 2359

To see the current promotion in action, run the following command: Input: sell testitem qty/5 Output:

Quantity of testitem sold: 5, for: $1.0
Quantity remaining: 5
Total value sold: 5.0

As seen above, there is a 50% discount applied to the selling price of testitem (from $2.0 to $1.0)

Viewing the promotion

Input: list_promotion Output:

1. testitem have a 50.00% discount
Period: 15 APR 2024 to 31 DEC 2024
Time: 0000 to 2359

Deleting a promotion

Note: If there is a promotion for the item, users will not be allowed to delete the item until the promotion is deleted. This is a safeguard against bloating the PromotionStorage file with unnecessary promotions.

Input: del_promo testitem Output: Promotion for testitem has been removed

Viewing the transactions

Input: list_transactions Output:

1. 5 testitem Sell: $2.0 Date: 2024-04-12 16:37:19
2. 5 testitem Sell: $1.0 Date: 2024-04-12 16:41:24

Note: The date displayed will differ based on your system time.

Viewing the bestseller, total profits and total revenue

  1. Bestseller input: bestseller Expected outcome: The current best-selling item is testitem.
  2. Total profit input: ‘total_profit’ Expected outcome: You have earned 5.0 in profits so far.
  3. Total revenue input: ‘total_revenue’ Expected outcome: You have earned 15.0 in revenue so far.

Deleting an item

Input: del testitem Output: testitem has been successfully deleted.

Note: If the item still has a promotion, the item cannot be deleted. Input del_promo testitem If you receive the error There is a promotion that exists for this item. Please remove the promotion before deleting the item.