
User Guide


StockMaster is a desktop inventory and management that provides the user with a range of tools and features to help them manage and operate their business. It is targeted at those who can type fast and prefer Command Line Interface (CLI) application.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest version of StockMaster from here.
  3. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar CS2113-T15-4.StockMaster.jar command to run the application.


Adding an item: add

Adds a new item to the list of items.


[ !NOTE ]

Addition of an item with the same ITEM_NAME will increase the ITEM_QUANTITY, and update the UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CATEGORY, BUY_PRICE and SELL_PRICE instead of adding a duplicated entry for the same item.

Example of usage:

add apple qty/50 /pieces cat/fruits buy/4 sell/5
add phone qty/5 /pieces cat/Electronics buy/100 sell/500

Listing items: list_items

Lists stored items according to what user requests.

Format: list_items [marked] [cat/CATEGORY]

Example of usage:

list_items cat/Electronics
list_items marked cat/fruits

Example output:

1. [ ] apple (Qty: 50 pieces, Buy: $4.0, Sell: $5.0, Category: fruits)


Deleting an item: del

Deletes the item from the list of items.

Format: del ITEM_NAME

Example of usage:

del apples

Selling an item: sell

Sells a quantity of an item from the list of items at a stated price.


Example of usage:

sell apple qty/20 

Marking an item: mark

Marks items in the inventory list.

Format: mark ITEM_NAME

Example of usage:

mark apple iphone

Unmarking an item: unmark

Unmarks a marked item in the inventory list.

Format: unmark ITEM_NAME

Example of usage:

unmark apple iphone

Editing an item: edit

Edits the parameters of the item.


Example of usage:

edit apple name/green apple qty/10 uom/pieces cat/fruit buy/1.00 sell/2.00
edit fish name/Salmon qty/1 uom/pieces cat/fish device buy/1.00 sell/10.00

User can choose to edit at least 1 parameter up to all available parameters.

Example of usage:

edit apple qty/45 buy/3.50 sell/5.50
edit fish name/Salmon qty/1 cat/fish

Example Output:

Quantity of apple from 50 to 45
Buy Price of apple from 4.0 to 3.5
Sell Price of apple from 5.0 to 5.5
End of Edits

Finding an item: find

Finds all items that contains KEYWORD


Example of usage:

find /qty/cat Apple // search for `Apple` under `ITEM_QUANTITY` and `CATEGORY`
find Apple // search all items that contains `Apple`

Get bestselling item: bestseller.

Reads all the Transactions and returns the item with the highest profit.

Format: bestseller

Example of usage:


Expected output:

The current best-selling item is {ITEM_NAME}.

Get total profits: total_profit

Reads all the Transactions and returns the total profits.

Format: total_profit

Example of usage:


Expected output:

You have earned {PROFIT} in profits so far. 

Get total revenue: total_revenue

Reads all the Transactions and returns the total profits.

Format: total_revenue

Example of usage:


Expected output:

You have earned {REVENUE} in revenue so far. 

Add promotion to items: promotion

Creates a promotion for items that changes the sell price.

Format: promotion ITEM_NAME discount/DISCOUNT period /from DAY MONTH YEAR /to DAY MONTH YEAR time /from START_TIME /to END_TIME

Example of usage:

promotion apple discount/50 period /from 2 Apr 2024 /to 4 Apr 2025 time /from 0000 /to 2359

Delete a promotion: del_promo

Deletes a promotion for an item.

Format: del_promo ITEM_NAME

Example of usage:

del_promo apple

List promotions: list_promotions

List all the promotions created.

Format: list_promotions

Example of usage:


Low Stock Reminder: low_stock

lists all out-of-stock items and low-in-stock items. </br> An item is considered low-in-stock if its quantity is below the stated threshold amount.

Format: low_stock /AMOUNT

Example of usage:

low_stock /15

List all available commands: help

Lists all commands as per the command summary below.

Format: help [c/COMMAND]

Example of usage:

help c/add

Closing the app: exit

Saves and closes the app safely.

Format: exit


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: Simply copy and paste the saved folders that is created upon launch of the application.

Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
e.g. add apple qty/50 /pieces cat/fruits buy/4.50 sell/5
Delete item del ITEM_NAME
e.g. del Apple
Edit item edit ITEM_NAME [name/NEW_NAME] [qty/NEW_QUANTITY] [uom/NEW_UOM] [cat/NEW_CATEGORY] [buy/NEW_BUY_PRICE] [sell/NEW_SELL_PRICE]
e.g. edit apple name/green apple qty/10 uom/pieces cat/fruit buy/1.00 sell/2.00
Find item find [/FILTER] KEYWORD
e.g. find University
Sell item sell ITEM_NAME qty/SELL_QUANTITY
e.g. sell apple qty/50
Mark item mark ITEM_NAME
Unmark item unmark ITEM_NAME
List Inventory list_items [marked] [cat/CATEGORY]
Get Best Seller bestseller
Get Profit total_profit
Get Revenue total_revenue
Create Promotion promotion ITEM_NAME discount/DISCOUNT period /from DATE MONTH YEAR /to DATE MONTH YEAR time /from TIME /to TIME
e.g. promotion apple discount/50 period /from 2 Apr 2024 /to 4 Apr 2024 time /from 1200 /to 1500
Delete Promotion del_promo ITEM_NAME
e.g. del_promo apple
List Promotion list_promotions
Low Stock Reminder low_stock /AMOUNT
Help help [c/COMMAND]
Exit exit